Changing Patterns in 2017

How can anyone not be struck by the unique challenges and opportunities that have been ushered in with the new year?  Those challenges include aligning the needs of employees, the environment, shareholders and customers;  establishing a new level of security across our physical and digital spaces; addressing challenges from inside as well as outside of an organization that we cannot control; and influencing shifting tensions in a healthy and healing way.

The opportunities are equally significant across the systems, people, processes and technology found in every organization.

At Complexity Space Consulting, we view both the challenges and opportunities through two unique and integrated lenses — the Complexity Space Framework (CSF).

The CSF provides a dynamic blend of traditional change management and new, non-linear concepts and tools. The Complexity Space Framework is designed to shift underlying patterns of thought and behavior to provide organizations struggling with multi-faced, “wicked” problems with new possibilities for action.

We have seen how the CSF acts as a powerful lens through which any organization gains new language, distinctions, and tools for uniting strategy, operations, innovations and the people who make it all possible.

During the first several months of 2017, we will be writing about applications of the CSF within an organization’s Human Resources and  Professional Development strategies. We hope you will share your stories, questions and even disagreements with our articles because that is the only way we will continue to make sure Complexity Works! is keeping the conversations open and relevant.