Volunteer Boards (VBs) face unique challenges. They include:
- They receive no stipend, nor compensation for their time or travel
- They are asked to make (sometimes significant) financial contributions to the organization as a condition of membership
- They may not have the right skills or experience, but are passionate about the mission and want to help
- The quality of their contributions (except for their financial giving) is typically not assessed. There are no consequences for exceptionally good or bad performance
- They are hard to fire!
This collection of articles addresses those issues. They are being released as LinkedIn articles with the hope of creating a conversation about these critical issues. Contact me or the co-author of this series, Warren Wilhelm, to learn more.
Blog Posts
Volunteer Boards article series introduction
Volunteer Boards: Attributes or Competencies?
Tools for the Board Chair-tools.pdf
Volunteer Boards: Group or Team?
How to Best Use Board Members’ Education and Experience
Recruiting Board Members from Within the Organization
Recruiting Board Members from Outside the Organization
Clarifying Roles of Volunteer Board Members
Volunteer Boards: Don’t Reinvent the Wheel!
Allocating Tasks Among Volunteer Board Members
When Members Become Volunteer Board Members